Frequently Asked Questions

June 29, 2016
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Who Should I see for Acupuncture?

  • You should see a registered acupuncturist (R.Ac.)  In Alberta, acupuncturists are required to have an extensive amount of training in classroom and clinic, along with sucessful completion of the provincial registration exam.   The College and Association of Acupuncturists of Alberta (CAAA) maintains a listing of registered acupuncturists in Alberta.

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

  • Acupuncture causes little to no discomfort.  Many people are surprised how comfortable the experience is.  I use sterilized single use needles that are disposed of after every treatment, so there is no risk of infection during treatment.

I am scared of needles, what should I do?

  • Come in for a consultation.  I can talk you through the whole procedure and address any concerns you may have.  Being more familiar with the situation often relieves much of the stress involved. In some cases there can be alternatives to needling, such as auricular acupuncture or acupressure.  Needles can be removed at any time during the treatment, so if you are feeling uncomfortable I can quickly change the treatment.

What should I do before my treatment?

  • Please eat prior to your treatment.  You should avoid food or drink that may change the color of your tongue immediately before you come in.  It is also a good idea to wear loose comfortable clothing for your treatment.  I may need access to points on your abdomen or back, as well as on your legs and arms.

What happens during my first visit?

  • Your visit will begin with a detailed medical history.  It may seem that you are asked questions unrelated to your concern, but since Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on a view of the person as a whole, all of your information is taken together to design a treatment that is specific to you. This maximizes the effectiveness of your treatment.  I will also examine your tongue and pulse as a part of your diagnosis.

How many treatments will I need?

  •  This varies from person to person.  For acute conditions, often only three or four treatments are needed.  For chronic conditions more treatments may be neccessary.

How long is a treatment?

  •  Usually your first visit takes approximately 60 minutes, with subsequent visits lasting 45 minutes to an hour.

How will I feel after my treatment?

  • Everyone responds differently, but often people feel relaxed or drowsy after their treatment.  Others feel revitalized and energized.


To Book an Appointment, Please call: 780-395-9170 (Summerside) or 780-244-1095 (Westbrook)